Musical Picnics return to Birmingham and Warwick – Autumn 2022!

We’re very excited to be bringing Musical Picnics to Warwick Arts Centre this autumn, alongside a long-awaited return to central Birmingham at the end of 2022!

Musical Picnics are warm, eclectic and diverse musical performances for children, parents and families, featuring an outstanding programme of artists, musicians, instruments, genres, approaches, cultures and styles.

Full info coming soon!

Sunday 9th October – 11.00am – 12.30pm
Grace Savage
Warwick Arts Centre – Free!

Sunday 6th November – 11.00am – 12.30pm
Bonfire Radicals
Warwick Arts Centre – Free!

Sunday 4th December – 11.00am – 12.30pm
Arun Ghosh
Warwick Arts Centre – Free!

Produced by Mubu Music






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